Main menu
In this section we have described for you all items and sub-items of the BackStreet Browser
main menu.
Menu item File:
- Use the sub-item "New" to create
a new BackStreet Browser project.
- Use the sub-item "Copy to..." to copy
the selected project to a new location on your hard drive.
- Use the sub-item "Import URLs" to import a text file containing
URLs list (one URL per line). A separate project
will be created for each URL in the current workspace.
- Use the sub-items "Load workspace", "Save workspace",
"Clear workspace" and "Clear workspace and files" to operate
the current BackStreet Browser workspace.
- Use the sub-item "RAS connection" to setup a RAS
connection for download.
- Use the sub-item/option "Minimize to system tray" to if the application
should be represented with an icon in the system tray when minimized.
- Use the sub-items "Page setup", "Print preview" and
"Print" to print the current web page
that is shown in the embedded MS Internet Explorer panel.
- Use the sub-item Exit to quit the BackStreet Browser application.
Menu item Edit:
- Use the sub-item "Cut" and "Copy" to cut or copy the
selected file.
- Use the sub-item "Delete file" to delete the selected file. At
that the file will physically remain on the hard drive.
- Use the sub-item "Delete project" to delete the selected project.
At that the files of the project will physically remain on the hard drive.
Please note that BackStreet Browser will remove not only the selected branch in the projects/folders
tree but the whole project to which the branch belongs.
- Use the sub-item "Delete project and files" to delete the selected
project. Attention! At that the files of the project will be physically
removed from the hard drive. Please also note that BackStreet Browser will remove not
only the selected branch in the projects/folders tree but the whole project
to which the branch belongs.
Menu item Project:
- Use the sub-item "Start download" to start the download process
for the project whose branch is selected in the projects/folders tree.
- Use the sub-item "Stop download" to stop the download process
for the project whose branch is selected in the projects/folders tree.
- Use the sub-item "Update files" to re-download expired files of
the the project whose branch is selected in the projects/folders tree.
- Use the sub-item "Resume all projects" to start download processes
for all projects of the workspace.
- Use the sub-item "Stop all projects" to stop download processes
for all projects of the workspace.
- Use the sub-item "Clear database" to remove all files of the project
but keep the project itself. At that the files of the project will physically
remain on the hard drive.
- Use the sub-item "Relink all files" to update links in the project
downloaded files according to the project current load
properties. This is very useful if after the download has completed you
decided to change all or some original links for local ones (e. g. during
the download you used the option "Do not relink local files" but
now you decided to change it for "Relink ONLY loaded files" or "Relink
ALL files"). Note that if the project load properties still say "Do
not relink local files", this menu sub-item will do nothing.
- Use the sub-item "Project properties" to call the project
properties dialog for the selected project.
- Use the sub-item "New project defaults" to setup defaults which
will be used for all newly created projects. The dialog similar to usual project
properties dialog will appear for this purpose.
Menu item View:
- Use the sub-items "Toolbars", "Status bar"
and "Navigate bar" to select the application toolbars you need to
have at hand.
- Use the sub-items "List view" and "Details
view" to setup the files list representation.
- Use the sub-item "Show URL instead of title" to show project URLs
instead of project titles in the projects/folders tree.
- Use the sub-items "Log window", "Download
statistics" and "IE panel" to show and hide additional BackStreet Browser
panels representing download results and statistics.